I am a paid user, Windows 10, Outlook, Firefox. I don't want Chrome on my computer, which may be the problem?
Every time I start windows I get a relentless popup wanting me to log in to Hubspot. Checking the remember-me box does nothing.
Most times that I start outlook I have the same problem,.
I am connected on Outlook and Teams to three different exchange accounts - my own and two clients. This may be part of the problem
Am fed up enough with this and a couple of otehr issues to be actively looking for a hubspot replacement. Does anyone care?
The other two issues are:
automatically adding incoming emails to Hubspot, which is supplemented by a maxed-out blocking list. I'm sure this is all driven by greed, as it ratchets up my contacts count and thus the bill.
using email address as the index - failure of elementary datanbase design principles. I want a database about contacts, not about email addresses.,
I am not google-centric: I use gmail for non-business and don't have or want Chrome. Does this mean I shouldn't bother with Hubspot? Or can you actually support someone with my configuration?
I spoke with Hubspot and it seems as though its a Microsoft Outlook issue, they no longer want to support hubspot. they advise logging in on chrome, but as i enjoy using the app and the one thing i need my crm to do is auto log my emails, i am on the hunt for a new CRM platform that syncs better with outlook. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
have the same exact problem . not acceptable .. so many emails lost because you may forget to log in one day .. what's the use of a CRM if it is not integrated!
It's March 2024 and the same thing is happening with me.
1. Every time I open Hubspot in Chrome it asks me to log in. The Remember Me checkbox doesn't appear to do anything.
2. I have the Hubspot for Outlook (desktop) plugin, and every morning when I launch Outlook Hubspot asks me to log in. Then it asks me to choose the Hubspot accoutn to work with (even though I only have one). Remember me doesn't work. The internet options trusted zone workaround that Hubspot tells you to do worked for a couple of days, but now I'm back to logging in every time.
Seems like all this is a completely unnecessary frustration.
Wow - this isn't a great find! We have just started on Hubspot (as in maybe 2 weeks ago) and this plug-in logging out is driving us insane. I came online to find a fix and to read comments for 3 years saying the same thing and that it's not fixed is really not great for a new user. Appreciate that it seems Outlook is the problem, but this is insane when most businesses surely use Outlook? With Hubspot being potentially bought by Google, I assume now this will never get fixed? Jeez, my heart sinks reading that people have left the platform for this reason, when we're such new adopters and already are pulling our hair out!
I wish i would have found out about this issue sooner. Our users are completely disenfranchised having to keep logging in through Outlook each day. It's a bummer that this will probably never get fixed and i'm sure we will end up going in a different direction with our CRM.
Nothing I have tried seems to work. It's disgusting that HubSpot support has done nothing to fix the issue and that they suggest starting new posts to bifurcate and obfuscate a lot of the frustration on this post.
Nothing I have tried seems to work. It's disgusting that HubSpot support has done nothing to fix the issue and that they suggest starting new posts to bifurcate and obfuscate a lot of the frustration on this post.
Same issue on all our company computers. Internet options set as outlined in Hubspot help. There were so many issues with Hubspot platform and locking different features behind multiple paywalls, that we cancelled our subscription. Now run our sales through project management software and the team are happier and we have more flexibility in our business. Using Hubspot free to share contacts only, but even this is annoying because of this login issue.
Wow. Here it is 2024 and the problem is still an issue that I continue to have to deal with every single day. Hubspot has **bleep**ty customer support and never a resolution. Have a great day!