Account & Settings


Connecting to Gmail - works ok on Mac, not on Windows

Hi - I recently opened a Hubspot account and set it up on my Mac laptop fine.  I connected to Gmail and downloaded chrome extension, all works well there.

Now I want to connect to my gmail on my Windows desktop, and it just won't connect me, although I can connect in my chrome browser to my Hubsport account.  

On gmail I get: 

Sorry. HubSpot couldn't connect to your inbox.

Please reconnect your email account.

Request for failed with status 400.


Can anyone help? 


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Connecting to Gmail - works ok on Mac, not on Windows

Hey @ETrevena thank you for posting in our Community!


Do you have your permissions on for personal email access? When you navigate to settings > general > email > connect personal email > add your email to the box > follow the other steps.


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 11.55.10 AM.png


 The more information, screenshots, and details you can provide, the better I can advise on the next steps.


Thank you,



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