I'm a Solutions Partner, and would actually like a Live Chat function,but I'm struggling to add Users of my Clients' Accounts who I've setup workflows on the their CRM free setup. I presume it's because their email is already saved as a Contact in my instance , or not sure.
I want them to sign in, so I can then take them through the workflow.
It looks like there may be a space in front of the email address, so " annua@nedrock.com" rather than "annua@nedrock.com." This could happen if you were copying and pasting the email address from another source, rather than typing it in the field directly. May I have you check to make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces around the email address when trying to add them as a user?
em nov 10, 20207:16 PM - editado pela última vez em nov 11, 20209:17 AM por sharonlicari
Can't add User email
I know my enail name and password (I can access it outside Hubspot). x is a gmail account. Hybspot will NOT get signed in. Keeps telling me password is not correct.?
In order to investigate this issue could you please try the following steps:
Can you try logging into your HubSpot account using a private browser session/new incognito window. If you are able to login in this environment than its likely a caching issue. You will then need to clear your cache following this article then log out and log back in.
If that does not work, can I have you try a different browser to see if this is browser specific?
Certain extensions have been known to directly impact some of the tools within HubSpot. I would recommend disabling your browser extensions one by one to see if any of them are causing a backend conflict. Could you please disable your extensions? You can find here how to do this.
If this doesn't work, could you please share with me a screenshot with the error message?
Did you know that the Community is available in other languages? Join regional conversations by changing your language settings !
If an email address already exists as a contact in your HubSpot software's contact database, this shouldn't prevent them from being added as a user. Are you seeing any error messages when you try to add new users? If you can take a screenshot, that would be helpful. Thanks!
It looks like there may be a space in front of the email address, so " annua@nedrock.com" rather than "annua@nedrock.com." This could happen if you were copying and pasting the email address from another source, rather than typing it in the field directly. May I have you check to make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces around the email address when trying to add them as a user?
I cannot connect to my email anymore since I moved to Outlook365! I need to send emails from hubspot but it says: "This email is not integrated with HubSpot. Go to your settings to sync your email." in the tooltip and "The connection for michael.franz@teleperformance.com is currently disabled. You must enable it before you can use it to send emails from your CRM."