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I am using the Free Marketing Tools and Free Sales Tools for HubSpot CRM to keep track of Contacts and Companies and the Chrome estension to log my emails with these entities.
Today I went to the Activity Feed on the Contacts/Companies section fpr the first time. I see lots of rows of activity logged but each row is blurred out. I can't tell if this is because I don't get access to it with a free account or what. Most of the premium features simply don't work or are hidden behind a little lock icon to indicate as such.
Should I be able to view the Activity Feed for my logged/tracked emails?
At the top of my blurred rows of activities it says "You've received 276 out of 200 notifications."
I guess this means I have exceeded what must be 200 notifications I get for free each month. That's fine, but it won't even let me see the free 200 ones. There are filters on that page to show only EMail activity, Opens, Unopened, etc. yet none of the blurred activity rows are ever visible even when I use a filter to show less than 200. Hopefully there is just something I am missing here.
I have so many (for me) because I inadvertantly had the "Track" checkbox clicked on numerous emails. I don't actually care to use tracking for every email and have turned it off. This should hep keep me below 200 next month. But I think I exceeded 200 because I appear to get repeated tracking notifications on my desktop for the same open event. Not sure what is going on. Regardless, I haven't sent 200 emails so am just surprised I have exceed the 200 limit.
Of course ... yes. You've exceeded the limit. Gotcha. -- Don't really think it's an error. I think (with emphasis) that you lose activity feed visibility once you exceed that limit, so ...
Here's the thing with the tracking ... it's normal to receive multiple notifications when tracking is on. We've seen cases where email clients trigger 'opens' when recipients simply scroll through their emails. Actually tested this while on the phone with a client using Outlook over the 2017 x-mas holiday ...
He was like, "Wait. What? You mean you can see me scroll through my email?" ... and I'm like, "ok. No. That's that what we mean when we say we can see WHEN you open your email." haha Naturally, the conversation de-evolved into conspiracy theories and cookoo's nest paranoia after that. I think his eggnog was spiked. 🙂
Gotta get you on at least Sales Pro. haha
Good luck on your project.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
At the top of my blurred rows of activities it says "You've received 276 out of 200 notifications."
I guess this means I have exceeded what must be 200 notifications I get for free each month. That's fine, but it won't even let me see the free 200 ones. There are filters on that page to show only EMail activity, Opens, Unopened, etc. yet none of the blurred activity rows are ever visible even when I use a filter to show less than 200. Hopefully there is just something I am missing here.
I have so many (for me) because I inadvertantly had the "Track" checkbox clicked on numerous emails. I don't actually care to use tracking for every email and have turned it off. This should hep keep me below 200 next month. But I think I exceeded 200 because I appear to get repeated tracking notifications on my desktop for the same open event. Not sure what is going on. Regardless, I haven't sent 200 emails so am just surprised I have exceed the 200 limit.
Of course ... yes. You've exceeded the limit. Gotcha. -- Don't really think it's an error. I think (with emphasis) that you lose activity feed visibility once you exceed that limit, so ...
Here's the thing with the tracking ... it's normal to receive multiple notifications when tracking is on. We've seen cases where email clients trigger 'opens' when recipients simply scroll through their emails. Actually tested this while on the phone with a client using Outlook over the 2017 x-mas holiday ...
He was like, "Wait. What? You mean you can see me scroll through my email?" ... and I'm like, "ok. No. That's that what we mean when we say we can see WHEN you open your email." haha Naturally, the conversation de-evolved into conspiracy theories and cookoo's nest paranoia after that. I think his eggnog was spiked. 🙂
Gotta get you on at least Sales Pro. haha
Good luck on your project.
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
It would be preferable to let me at least see the first 200 they allow me. As it stands now I've never actually seen any of them and don't even know what they are telling me or if I find it helpful.