APIs & Integrations


ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"


the current ruby client seems to be generated from a swagger description.


fetching company details with get_by_id seems broken though. i'm not managing to get it working. listing all companies works fine for your info. 


i keep hitting this error "no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer" . i wen't looking in the source but i don't seem to find the source. the code is not trivial to read as it's generated code.


if anyone knows how to get company details with the latest ruby gem code for a given id, please share 🙂 



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1 Solution acceptée

ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"


Hey, I just created my ruby environment and tested this which returned the data for a the specified company id.

api_response = api_client.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(company_id: 7559743199)

PLEASE rotate your access token as you revealed it in your reply which I used to retrieve a sample and test my ruby code.

Voir la solution dans l'envoi d'origine

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5 Réponses

ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"


Are you passing the id as an integer or a string?

Try passing the id as a string:
id = "{id}"

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ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"

i actually tried all possible variants

id: “123”
id: 123
{id: 123}
{id: “123”}

see below for actual outputs.
from that output it seems te system really expects just 1 argument (which i can’t read in the code) and it needs to be a primitive string or int, because the code generation tries to load an inexistent class in the other cases.

i also tried for several ruby versions: 3.0, 3.2 … same results


irb(main):001> c = Hubspot::Client.new(access_token: ENV["HUBSPOT_ACCESS_TOKEN"])
=> #<:client:0x000000010761a780>"pat-eu1-8e5f2c79-11e9-4bc1-9678-7708c19ab0b2"}>
irb(main):002> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(1)
/Users/koenhandekyn/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/hubspot-api-client-17.2.0/lib/hubspot/discovery/base_api_client.rb:135:in `[]': no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)

params_with_defaults[:opts] ||= {}
irb(main):003> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id("1")
/Users/koenhandekyn/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/hubspot-api-client-17.2.0/lib/hubspot/discovery/base_api_client.rb:135:in `[]': no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)

params_with_defaults[:opts] ||= {}
irb(main):004> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(id: 1)
<>:38:in `require': cannot load such file -- hubspot/codegen/crm/companies/models/company_id (LoadError)
irb(main):005> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(id: "1")
<>:38:in `require': cannot load such file -- hubspot/codegen/crm/companies/models/company_id (LoadError)
irb(main):006> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id({id: "1"})
<>:38:in `require': cannot load such file -- hubspot/codegen/crm/companies/models/company_id (LoadError)
irb(main):007> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id({id: 1})
<>:38:in `require': cannot load such file -- hubspot/codegen/crm/companies/models/company_id (LoadError)
irb(main):008> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(1, opts: {})
/Users/koenhandekyn/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/hubspot-api-client-17.2.0/lib/hubspot/discovery/base_api_client.rb:133:in `block (2 levels) in define_api_methods': wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0..1) (ArgumentError)
irb(main):009> c.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(1, {})
/Users/koenhandekyn/.rbenv/versions/3.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/hubspot-api-client-17.2.0/lib/hubspot/discovery/base_api_client.rb:133:in `block (2 levels) in define_api_methods': wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0..1) (ArgumentError)
0 Votes

ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"


This is Ruby right? If yes, then base on the documentation this is the correct syntax:

api_client.crm.companies.basic_api.get_crm_v3_objects_companies_company_id(company_id: "123", archived: false)

0 Votes

ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"

thanks for the tip but just tried but getting an undefined method error
i’m calling it on the basic_api object

undefined method `get_crm_v3_objects_companies_company_id' for #<:discovery::crm::companies::basicapi:0x0000000106fff7d8>"pat-eu1-8e5f2c79-11e9-4bc1-9678-7708c19ab0b2"}, @codegen_api_path="hubspot/codegen/crm/companies/basic_api", @codegen_module_name="Hubspot::Crm::Companies", @codegen_module_path="hubspot/codegen/crm/companies", @config=#<:crm::companies::configuration:0x0000000106f1c820>
0 Votes

ruby client get_by_id yields "User no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer"


Hey, I just created my ruby environment and tested this which returned the data for a the specified company id.

api_response = api_client.crm.companies.basic_api.get_by_id(company_id: 7559743199)

PLEASE rotate your access token as you revealed it in your reply which I used to retrieve a sample and test my ruby code.

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