My company is using the HobSpot API just for contact & company sync of our account.
I'm able to get API key for production environment data and integrate it with our BE. But we also have Staging and Development environments with copletly different data.
I want to ask what is the recommended flow. Shoud I create 3 independent HobSpot accounts and import different data
Or is there way to have one account with different data for different enviroments.
Note: I do understannd there is Testing Account option but from playing around it seems the Testing Account works with real data => not good for my case
Note 2: I think I don't need to create an App all I need is the API key to pull/push contacts/companies. Unless I'm wrong
Hello! Any updates on this at all? This would be such a godsend for us.
Even something like Stripe (which generates a second API token) to differentiate "test data" from real data would be hugely interesting and powerful for us — rather than breaking it out into multiple envs.
@dennisedson plus 1Xing this. As a director of engineering I would not ever choose an enterprise product that doesn't seamlessly support transitions between development / staging / production environments. Unfortunately I arrived after this decision was made and am stuck with it for now.
Stripe and Intercom are great examples to look at. Each provides development and production keys which winds up being one line of code in our system. Our engineers don't need to jusmp through any hoops and can focus on develping features without any worry of either environment polluting the other.
We are very hopeful that Hubspot can make this happen soon, but we are also acttivel shopping other solutions.
Reducing friction for the developers is very important to us. I don't have any timeline available at this point, but I want to reiterate that we are actively working to improve the development workflow.
@dbeau79 , what does your team do now to make this as efficient as possible?
@dennisedson and @br6 , sorry for chiming in so late here. On our dev team we each have our own sandbox that we import dummy content into to test things out. We all develop locally so it's easy to collaborate once the data set is in place.
is there a way to take an existing site in production, move it to staging, do a bunch of changes, etc. and then QA it. when done, flip it back to production?
HubSpot does not have any suggested solutions for this presently. There are apps on the marketplace such as portal replicator that can get the CRM data into another portal. If you are using a local dev workflow for the CMS, you should be keeping portability in mind which will allow you to move your files where needed as detailed here
How are others solving this when they need to replicate production data? This seems like a big miss as HubSpot takes on enterprises with staging and real sandbox environments for testing integrations.
Currently, while we do not have a sandbox environment in which the data replicates the real environment data, the test account that you mentioned is the best workaround.
Test portals created from the developer account would also have access to the CRM tool, so if you’re looking for a completely separate environment, you could use a test portal to create dummy CRM data.