APIs & Integrations


how to set jwt in my api route in node js

I am new to Nodejs. I tried to create an API that connect CRM to my website, during which it will be sending data and I get no token error. I tried to solve that but I can't. This is my route file : unionwells germany

const express = require("express");
const auth = require("../../middleware/auth");
const soap = require('strong-soap').soap;
const router = express.Router();

 * Package: npm i strong-soap
 * Description:  A simple solution to save person.

// Enter the field with the username and password that has the necessary permission to find the person.
const username = 'admin';
const password = 'admin';

// @route   Get api/users/createCustomer
// @desc    Create new customer in PayamGostar
// @access  Private
router.post (
    (req, res) => {
      User.findById(req.user._id).then((user) => {
        // Replace <url> keyword to your CRM host address.
        let url = "http://sajjadshiasi.demo.payamgostar.com/Services/API/IPerson.svc?wsdl";
        let requestArgs = {
          username: username,
          password: password,
          person: {
            FirstName: "Sajjad",
            LastName: "Shiasi",
            CrmObjectTypeCode: "person",
            IdentityType: "حقیقی",
            Categories: { CategoryInfo: { Key: "siteclients" } },
            PhoneContacts: {
              IdentityContactPhone: {
                PhoneNumber: "901",
                PhoneType: "موبایل",
                IsDefault: true,
            Emails: { string: ["4@test.com"] },
            Subject: "عضویت در سایت",
        let options = {};
        soap.createClient(url, options, async function (err, client) {
          let method = client["SavePerson"];
          await method(requestArgs, function (err, result, envelope, soapHeader) {
            if (result.SavePersonResult.Success) {
              user.CrmId = result.SavePersonResult.CrmId;
                { upsert: true },
                function (err, doc) {
                  if (err) return res.send(500, { error: err });
                  return res.send("Succesfully saved.");
module.exports = router;

and this is my middleware auth :

    const config = require("config");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");

function auth(req, res, next) {
  const token = req.header("x-auth-token");
  // Check for Token
  if (!token) {
    return res.status(401).json({ msg: "No Token" });

  try {
    // Verify Token
    const decoded = jwt.verify(token, config.get("jwtSecret"));
    // Add User From Payload
    req.user = decoded;
  } catch (e) {
    res.status(400).json({ msg: "Token is not valid!" });

module.exports = auth;

The important thing is that my database and CRM database is the same in other hand I use CRM database.

2 Replies 2
Key Advisor | Platinum Partner
Key Advisor | Platinum Partner

how to set jwt in my api route in node js

@sali6 When you say "Connect CRM to my website" What do you mean exactly?

Can you define  a little bit more by writing down stories in this form:

When X happens on my website I want Y to happen in HubSpot CRM
When Z happens in HubSpot CRM I want W to happen in my website


Louis Chaussé from Auxilio HubSpot Solutions Partner Signature
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HubSpot Product Team

how to set jwt in my api route in node js

@louischausse , do you have any tips for @sali6 ?