APIs & Integrations


contact list member table discrepancy

In the Hubspot UI, we have a dynamic list with about 13k members, but when we look at the contact list member table that's exported into our snowflake warehouse through fivetran, we see 17k unique contact IDs. 


The table has a date added field, but no removed field. My guess is that contacts are added to the table when the fit the list criteria but are not removed from the table when they no longer meet the criteria and are removed form the list in Hubspot. Is this correct, or could there be another reason between the discrepancy.

2 Réponses

contact list member table discrepancy

@nick_lanspa @dennisedson @Fivetran Was this issue ever resolved? Our team is running into the same issue. 

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Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

contact list member table discrepancy

Hey @nick_lanspa 

Let's see if @Fivetran has any thoughts about this 😀

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