Hey, First of all, thanks for taking time to look at the query. I am looking to fetch "deastage" property history for deals . GET endpoint for deals provide it but SEARCH one doesn't include propertiesWithhistory for any property. Could you help Leer más
Hi @PMcConnell , thanks for the reply . I am aslo familiar with endpoint for the specific dealid too. But I am looking that is it possible that I...Leer más
How I can integrate a thirdparty API on form submission on Hubspot website? Do I need to subscribe any plan? I did not find any docs. Where can I find the docs on thirdparty API integration on Website.
When using the CRM Search with OR logic, additional filters are reducing results, but OR should never reduce a result set, it should only ever increase or stay the same. What am I missing? Example filter bodies below: Returns 475 as a total. Leer más
Hi @MJohnson59
To apply OR logic, include multiple filters within a filter group. You can include a maximum of five filter groups with up to...Leer más
I am in a situation, I need to validate if a user exists either by id or by email to see if I make the insertion because when I make the insertion of the contact and it exists I can not continue with the whole process. I get the error.
I'm looking to retreive information about the new Course object. I've found its endpoint at /crm/v3/objects/0-410 but the only properties returned are the create date, modified date, and id. Is there any way to get additional properties (like Leer más
Hi @PTancredi
I believe you have created a Custom object named Course and want to read all its properties. What you can do is add properties...Leer más
Hello. Can you tell me if a contact is set as a Non-marketing contact, the contact data (name, company, etc.) cannot be retrieved via the API. However, if the contact is a Marketing contact, I can retrieve the data by ID without issues. What could t Leer más
Hi @RGorkunenko
you can retrieve the contact details using the hubspot_id, I am able to search both the marketing and non-marketing contacts...Leer más
Hello, I have problems sending a PATCH request to the hubapi. I can send POST requests and X-HTTP-Method-Override=POST in header. I always get Error 405 Method Not Allowed Any suggestion to this? Thanks a lot Michael
Hello, here is the code send by our integration software, when I use PATCH: POST /crm/v3/objects/companies/xxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1
Host: api.hubapi.com
...Leer más
I need to retrieve company properties through the API in a python script. I want to filter the results and only get the following properties : name,fieldType,createdAt,updatedAt When I test on the API doc website with my private app token, every Leer más
@NRIO - I suspect that you are correct in identifying a potential difference in the HubSpot library use here. For my own sanity, I typically use th...Leer más
Hi, I am getting a 500 internal error while executing the following request `DELETE /automation/v2/workflows/:workflowId/enrollments/contacts/:email` Error: ` {"status":"error","message":"internal error","correlationId":"b01af03c-7ed3 Leer más
Hey, I am trying to get the leads from the api with https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/leads the scope of the endpoint I get the scope error: "errors": [ { "message": "One or more of the following scopes are required.", "context": { Leer más
Hi @matischroder , Is this in an installed app or have you tried testing through postman or the documentation tools here: https://developers.hubs...Leer más
Hi, I'm trying to bulk upload records using the Upsert api https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/batch/upsert For the batch upsert I am using a custom unique Id to match on. For some of the records I am sending, I am getting an error th Leer más