Hi! Would it be possible to send a transactional single-send API email without HubSpot automatically creating a contact (based on the recipient's email)? Because, we would like to send it using an API using our internal system, but using a t read more
Hi folks, I've created a custom workflow action extension that has a Select field and a Text input field. The Select field requests options from an API (successfully). However, the action makes API requests to get select options every time read more
Hi, Whenever you try to update a property that is defined as a 'Dropdown select' via API it throws an error if the supplied value(s) are not in the list of defined values for that property... which is fair enough. Is there a way to prevent the er read more
Hi all, I'm using the calling extensions sdk, and having an unexpected behavior. Atm, every time I use the "navigateToRecord" method... it just opens a new page entirely. That's not what I want, I want it to open in the current window. Is there som read more
Hey there, I'm trying to read associations of companies attached with Task, but it says an Internal error. below is screenshot for API call. please provide a suggestion or any solution which can be applied for that.
Hi HubSpot community! I’ve successfully created a communication via the API (specifically, a WhatsApp message), and I’ve been able to associate the communication with the correct contact using the engagements endpoint. However, I’m running read more
I am trying to embed a HubSpot Payments Link on a page in a NextJS app. The payments form is not appearing. I can get this to work in a ReactJS app but not in our NextJS app. I have created a simple example in codesandbox demonstrating the issue read more
I am able to get the Payment Link embed to work in a simple ReactJS hello world app as demonstrated here. But, I need it to work in our NextJS websit...read more
How can I pass just one message via webhook and also be able to pass property values to it? eg. new! 🎉 🍾 🥂 Cliente: {{ _0_3.dealname }} Persona: {{ enrolled_object.persona }}
Hello, we are trying to create a list with data from a particular Form on our Wordpress. The problem is The Hubspot Wordpress pplugin seems to be amalgamating all the different forms on the website into one form name, so we cant differentiate the co read more
Anyone running into any issue with the visitor identification endpoint returning the wrong user when used with the HubSpot chat feature? My company has been testing the feature out internally and we’ve noticed for some users the chat read more
Hey, @AnthonyOrta 👋 Thanks for your question. It's tough to say without more info or being able to reproduce the issue live. But I do have a f...read more
We have been successfully using the v1 apis to create emails and perform related tasks such as lookup lists and subscriptions. In the past week we have started to see features break or begin to exhibit new unexpected error messages. I have read as read more
Hi, I'm using a button on an email and linking the press of the button to a URL that will allow someone to book a 20min meeting via MS Bookings. THE URL works natively but when the button is clicked from the newsletter I get "bad request". Any i read more