Hello, I'm building a small app to integrate to new orders API, I managed to create a deal then associate it to the order and also add line items. My main issue is I can't find anyway to fill in the fields for 'Order Total' like subtotal price, dis Leia mais
I am struggling to get the textarea field to update using the forms api and jquery. Basically, I want to take the values from marked checkboxes and add them to the textarea. I made some great progress from a suggestion on a previous post but have hi Leia mais
Hey, First of all, thanks for taking time to look at the query. I am looking to fetch "deastage" property history for deals . GET endpoint for deals provide it but SEARCH one doesn't include propertiesWithhistory for any property. Could you help Leia mais
Hi @PMcConnell , thanks for the reply . I am aslo familiar with endpoint for the specific dealid too. But I am looking that is it possible that I...Leia mais
How I can integrate a thirdparty API on form submission on Hubspot website? Do I need to subscribe any plan? I did not find any docs. Where can I find the docs on thirdparty API integration on Website.
Hi @RKallepalli ,
You can use the "onFormSubmit" event and make a call to a serverless function when the form is submitted. In order to use s...Leia mais
When using the CRM Search with OR logic, additional filters are reducing results, but OR should never reduce a result set, it should only ever increase or stay the same. What am I missing? Example filter bodies below: Returns 475 as a total. Leia mais
I am in a situation, I need to validate if a user exists either by id or by email to see if I make the insertion because when I make the insertion of the contact and it exists I can not continue with the whole process. I get the error.
I'm looking to retreive information about the new Course object. I've found its endpoint at /crm/v3/objects/0-410 but the only properties returned are the create date, modified date, and id. Is there any way to get additional properties (like Leia mais
Hi @PTancredi
I believe you have created a Custom object named Course and want to read all its properties. What you can do is add properties...Leia mais
Hello. Can you tell me if a contact is set as a Non-marketing contact, the contact data (name, company, etc.) cannot be retrieved via the API. However, if the contact is a Marketing contact, I can retrieve the data by ID without issues. What could t Leia mais
Thanks. I’m doing the same, but using hubspot-api-php https://github.com/HubSpot/hubspot-api-php/blob/6659a2f85b5d2a01c890a5e5ce840c09e220c5e3/codeg...Leia mais
Hello, I have problems sending a PATCH request to the hubapi. I can send POST requests and X-HTTP-Method-Override=POST in header. I always get Error 405 Method Not Allowed Any suggestion to this? Thanks a lot Michael
I need to retrieve company properties through the API in a python script. I want to filter the results and only get the following properties : name,fieldType,createdAt,updatedAt When I test on the API doc website with my private app token, every Leia mais
@NRIO - I suspect that you are correct in identifying a potential difference in the HubSpot library use here. For my own sanity, I typically use th...Leia mais
Hi, I am getting a 500 internal error while executing the following request `DELETE /automation/v2/workflows/:workflowId/enrollments/contacts/:email` Error: ` {"status":"error","message":"internal error","correlationId":"b01af03c-7ed3 Leia mais
Hey, I am trying to get the leads from the api with https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/leads the scope of the endpoint I get the scope error: "errors": [ { "message": "One or more of the following scopes are required.", "context": { Leia mais
Hi @matischroder , Is this in an installed app or have you tried testing through postman or the documentation tools here: https://developers.hubs...Leia mais