Hi My question applies for HubSpot defined objects like companies, contacts and more, and not for custom objects. For custom objects I know the type id is the best way (naming conflicts to future HubSpot Types). Now to the question: To sea read more
Hi @baernhardj ,
When deciding between using object type names (like companies ) or object type IDs (like 0-2 ), there are a few things to keep...read more
Can we have a field with multiple string values on it? more like a tagging usecase. The field needs to be updated via API (adding new values regularly) for example, on the company level field called ""reference IDs" that could have this possib read more
Hi @AvocadoMan ,
No, such a field type does not exist. These are the supported field types: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/properties/property...read more
Hi all, I need to use of external ID in Salesforce leads/contacts to reference the associated HubSpot contact IDs. Also, I want to create a new contact property mapping rule to push the IDs of the related records via the API connector to Sal read more
I'm trying to embed a custom code to create expandable lists in one of my help center articles, but it's not working as expected. The first code works as expected, but the other lists won't expand when I click on them. Does anyone know why this read more
Hello, I am working on CRM Card I have created one card for ticket object, and it's working. My issue is, on some tickets I don't want to display this card, I will decide that based on specific ticket property. if(isset($reques read more
Hi, @kumarb1 Based on the lack of specific documentation + the comments from our community, I'd suggest creating an Ideas post . My guess is we ca...read more
Hi everybody!, I´m trying to solve all of my Hubspot API requirements only with serverless functions, and some of this solutions are pretty good, for example: I built a page that creates multiple contacts via ajax, it was so useful because the bas read more
@CPacheco it sounds like you might be running into a CORS issue. HubSpot doesn't allow you to modify the CORS rules at this time. More info here: ...read more
I was reading the page ( https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/files/v3/upload_new_file ), it is mentioned that file will get deleted after 3 months of upload. I want files to stay as long as I want. is there any way for it?
Hello @tme (TTL - string)
The formats are set by Periods ( For example “P3M” for 3 months) meaning that t he file will be deleted after 3 mont...read more
Hello 🙂 I would like to integrate HubSpot into my DevOps process. What are best practicess for this if we have few environemtns(accounts): Development -> QA -> Stage -> Production? Also do you have any recommendations on devops tool read more
Welcome, @lazarus987 .
Could you describe what you mean by "integrate" in more detail? If you give me a sense of how you currently interact wi...read more