I am unable to find out weather a live agent is online or offline and also i want to find out the working hours set for each live agent. how do i achieve this using api endpoint ?
Which developer APIs will get me the Ticket and its associated emails with content exported? Even this can be achieved with a combination of API calls that is alright. I just need to know the logical steps for calling the APIs and getting an export read more
We have a ticket that we use the API to add tasks to between 20-50 times a day. Over the last few days not all tasks have been displaying. As I scroll sometimes they load at the top (where they should have been to begin with), other times they read more
Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone has successfully done this? I am looking to pass unique marketing IDs from our CRM to a client's pixel in GTM, but first need this pushed to our GTM data layer. I've been having a hard time finding what the macro i read more
Hi @EBloom , When you refer to contact ID, are you referring to the object ID in the CRM? I don't believe that id is generated until the form is sub...read more
I am developing a workflow using Dataops - customcode to add something from Hubspot ticket to Azure DevOps work item as a comment. Here is my script: from azure.devops.connection import Connection
from msrest.authentication import BasicAuth read more
I am using API to create a ticket by posting the following JSON to https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/tickets { "properties" : { "hs_pipeline" : "0" , "hs_pipeline_stage" : "1" , "hs_ticket_priority" : "HIGH" , read more
HI @karkaletsis ,
You need to include an association array in your request. This contains the ID of the CRM object that you'd like to associat...read more
I'm trying to use the retrieve ticket get request with /crm/v3/objects/tickets but noticed that it only returns a small amount of tickets at once and from oldest to newest. It does provide a link to get the next batch but I'd rather not have to make read more
Hi @Phwilson17
Sure, there are a few ways to get all tickets in a single call or to get the list to return from newest to oldest.
**Get all ti...read more
I am using Python to extract the data from HubSpot with the Private App API calls. I am using the Ticket and Contacts to load into dataframes within my python environment. Tickets give me these key attributes: archived archived_at as read more
Hi team, I have trouble when trying to obtain an access token following this instruction: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/oauth-quickstart-guide Before, my app had only 3 scopes crm.objects.contacts.readcrm.objects.companies.readcrm.obje read more
Hi, @TChu7 👋 Thanks for reaching out. Non-specific errors and warnings like this can be frustrating. I have a few questions to help get us start...read more
Hello HubSpotters! I am trying to retrieve the current count of tickets sitting in a specific swimlane wihtin a pipeline via the API but not having much luck finding where or how to do this. If anyone could point me in the right direction fo read more
Hey @cwinhall
I would look into the filter, search, search endpoint for tickets.
There, you should be able to filter by the hs_pipeline_sta...read more
Hi, We are considering the use of Service Hub to replace our current ticketing solution. However, to do so we would need to be able to manage ticket from a mobile interface. Based on the ticket api it is unclear to us: if we can reply to a ticket read more
Hey @cto-skipr ,
While it is not possible to reply back to a ticket via the ticket API. You can create email engagement with attachments and a...read more
Hello, Sorry, I suppose I choose a wrong label; I don't know what label to use. I haven't found a better place to let you know about an issue recently reported to us by an Add-in Express customer. The report is published at https://www.add-in-e read more
Hello HubSpot Team, It may be easier for you to contact us - in case you need this - if you know that we've moved to EU, namely to Poland. R...read more