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baernhardj le Septembre 26, 2024
Hi My question applies for HubSpot defined objects like companies, contacts and more, and not for custom objects. For custom objects I know the type id is the best way (naming conflicts to future HubSpot Types). Now to the question: To sea Lire la suite
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2 Réponses
Solution Acceptée
Conseiller clé | Partenaire solutions Elite
Septembre 26, 2024 05:00
Hi @baernhardj , When deciding between using object type names (like companies ) or object type IDs (like 0-2 ), there are a few things to keep...Lire la suite
Brandon_Bean le Août 14, 2024
How to set a 'Today's Date' Property in HubSpot using Insycle. HubSpot has yet to include this basic data function in their field/function mix, and its true that for most reporting and workflow filters, you technically don't need it. However, th Lire la suite
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3 Réponses
Août 16, 2024 14:40
I copied and pasted this from my own linkedin post where I tagged Insycle. didn't even notice it carried over a link!
GCxm001 le Avril 12, 2024
I am looking for a JS code to user the MailTester Ninja Email Checker API Anyone using nodejs + axios could help ? I would like to qualify my mailing list before any communication to help getting a better sender reputation
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2 Réponses
Leader d'opinion | Partenaire solutions Elite
Avril 19, 2024 01:02
Hey @GCxm001 , you can use this js code to verify email is valid or not. Note:- You are limited to one query per minute: Try MailTester Ninja u...Lire la suite
Phwilson17 le Mai 26, 2023
I'm trying to use the retrieve ticket get request with /crm/v3/objects/tickets but noticed that it only returns a small amount of tickets at once and from oldest to newest. It does provide a link to get the next batch but I'd rather not have to make Lire la suite
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2 Réponses
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Platinum
Juin 06, 2023 02:40
Hi @Phwilson17 Sure, there are a few ways to get all tickets in a single call or to get the list to return from newest to oldest. **Get all ti...Lire la suite
Sebdec le Avril 06, 2023
For single page application, we want to track the navigation of user before submitting a sign up form which creates the contact. We set the tracking url for page views: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/reports/set-up-sources-tracking#:~:text=to%2 Lire la suite
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1 Réponse
Gestionnaire de communauté
Avril 07, 2023 19:52
Hi, @Sebdec 👋 Thanks for reaching out! Let's invite some community members to the conversation. Hey, @miljkovicmisa @MatthiasWeber @prosa ,...Lire la suite
Sugapriya9293 le Janvier 27, 2023
https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/workflows/v3/create_workflow . I am planing to programmatically create workflow and use actions EMAIL, UPDATE_LIST. What are the allied JSON properties for these actions? Where can I find the requ Lire la suite
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Gestionnaire de communauté
Janvier 30, 2023 18:22
Hey, 👋 To confirm you are not missing any additional examples or documentation outside the endpoints listed here — Workflows API Overview ...Lire la suite
Vighnesh le Décembre 15, 2022
Hi Everyone, Is there any way we can integrate Hubspot Forms API on our website developed on REACT node.js? Also, please provide details of how and where Hubspot Forms API can be used, kindly provide in-depth details. And, how do you recomme Lire la suite
Gestionnaire de communauté
Décembre 16, 2022 13:10
Hi, @Vighnesh for requests of this nature, I'd suggest providing the steps you've already taken and where you are stuck. Including details such as ...Lire la suite
Sand le Décembre 15, 2021
Hello, I hope someone can help me : I got a message that my API key has been inactive for over 120 days and that it will automatically expire in 45 days. What are the implications if i don't renew it (as I have no clue to what I am using it for) ? Lire la suite
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Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Décembre 16, 2021 12:12
Hey @Sand It will only matter if you are using it for some integration. If you have an app that uses a API key and it expires, it will no longe...Lire la suite
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