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dennisedson le Octobre 30, 2020
Hey friends! Have you ever missed an announcement here because if you don't look quickly enough, it is 4 pages back? Going forward, we will be placing all of our developer announcements in a shiny brand new board! Because you are not going t Lire la suite
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dennisedson le Octobre 27, 2020
Hello friends! There is now a self service method of deleting your developer account. Log into your developer account Click on your account name in the top right Click Account On this page, you should see an option to Delete Account. Lire la suite
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6 Réponses
Février 22, 2024 02:58
I have a Problem, deleting my Account. I deleted the Apps first, because it said, i have Apps wich i have to unpublish first. But now, i dont have an...Lire la suite
dennisedson le Octobre 26, 2020
Hello Developers! Recently, the Academy launched Working with HubSpot CRM API which I encourage you to check out. This got me thinking. What would you like to see more of? Are the particular topics that are either not covered or are not cover Lire la suite
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3 Réponses
Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Octobre 28, 2020 13:22
@mrswiss , This is great feedback! Thank you!
mwelch le Octobre 12, 2020
When returning a large amount of data, HubSpot endpoints frequently employ a paging mechanism, where a subset of the response data is returned, along with a paging object. This object contains information about how to get new pages of information. Lire la suite
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Lilyks le Septembre 03, 2020
Hello All, Wonder if someone can help me out. I am trying to add a live chat to our website - Drift. I have got the javascript codes and am supposed to add them into the Website Source codes however I can't seem to edit and paste them in? I unde Lire la suite
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Solution Acceptée
HubSpot Employee
Septembre 04, 2020 10:30
Hey @Lilyks ! Could you please confirm where you are trying to add these codes? If you want to add them to all of your HubSpot pages then yo...Lire la suite
zwolfson le Juillet 16, 2020
What is it? Live today users can uninstall integration and submit integration feedback. Also live today, as users provide uninstall integration feedback app partners will be able to see this information in their developer account and Lire la suite
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Complianzdotio le Juillet 03, 2020
Hi, Cookiebot and Complianz, both WordPress privacy plugins have initiated the Consent API, which is most likely released as a feature plugin for WordPress 5.6. The API will create a layer between plugins, and consent management plugin to standa Lire la suite
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Août 15, 2020 05:35
I second this, this would be very very helpful for many users!
mwelch le Juillet 02, 2020
What’s happening We’ve got two platform updates for you today. First, we’re releasing the CRM Cards and Video Conferencing Extensions to General Availability. This means these features are considered stable, and ready to be used for build Lire la suite
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zwolfson le Juin 29, 2020
One function of the CRM is to help users take action on customer records at the appropriate time. HubSpot’s CRM helps with that by letting users know when a CRM object (contact, company, deal, etc.) is assigned to them. However, to protect users fr Lire la suite
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mwelch le Juin 16, 2020
What’s Happening On Wednesday, June 17, we will be completing some infrastructure updates to our developer documentation website. We don’t anticipate any impact to your experience as you use the site during this time. However, if you do encount Lire la suite
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Dadams le Juin 02, 2020
What happened? Last week, we made some infrastructure upgrades to the Contacts API. While this upgrade was mostly transparent, and didn't change the functionality of the API, this did change how the Content-Type request header is handled. W Lire la suite
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zwolfson le Mai 28, 2020
Batch APIs are extremely useful to help both developers and HubSpot work efficiently. The use of batch APIs is highly encouraged so it’s important that they work as expected. What’s happening Batch update APIs for the CRM v3 will no lon Lire la suite
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1 Réponse
Juillet 21, 2021 13:40
Are the v3 batch processes asynchronous? It doesn't have the same wording as the legacy docs. If so, is there a way to know when they are complete?
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