We have a WhatsApp conversation with client in a thread, and we'd like to get it associated with a HubSpot contact. We could do so through the UI, but how can we do the same via the API?
Hello! Conversations API product manager here. It is true that there is not currently an endpoint to set the contact associated with a conversation. ...read more
Hello, I am looking to reduce the number of times that I call on the hubspot api to retrieve email data. Goal : I would like to display emails' subject lines and clicks performance somewhere else. Current Approach : I am curre read more
Hey @developer473829 ,
I would highly recommend that you store the data as a sort of cache and then display on the page that the data will be ...read more
I want to Associat contacts with notes use API. I see [this document]( https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/crm/notes ) and try Accociate a note with another object part. But always "status": "error" . error content is here "errors": [ read more
sorry I attempt curl --request GET \ --url ' https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/associations/contacts/notes/types?hapikey=API_KEY ' return {"res...read more