APIs & Integrations


Workflow to attach multi-language blog posts to parent


My situation: I have 2 blog posts in which one has to be the "en" child of the "de" parent. I tried it with multiple API solutions but not a single one worked.

The current workflow was with /cms/v3/blogs/posts and a body with language and translatedFromId but that doesnt seem to work anymore.

Error: Blog doesnt have specified language variant (but it has).

So I tried creating a blogpost with language "en" and attaching it to the "de" Post with /cms/v3/blogs/posts/multi-language/attach-to-lang-group but that doesnt seem to work too.

Does someone here have a working workflow to add multi-language blog posts to a parent post? One of the best results was with the endpoint /cms/v3/blogs/posts/multi-language/create-language-variation but it just clones a blog post and attaches it to the parent. 

In my case I need a way to create a blog post with existing data.

Thanks for any help 🙂

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Workflow to attach multi-language blog posts to parent

Hi, @AJuwig 👋 Thanks for the question. Were you able to make any progress here? — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

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