may 26, 20227:45 AM - editado may 26, 20229:17 AM
While Creating Contact It Gives Error That Contact Already Exist
I'm running through a weird issue. In my nodeJs application I'm trying to create single contact using basicApi.
It runs smoother in local environment when I test it using POSTMAN. But in dev environment when I implemented same code it started giving me errors.
I'm creating a new contact which doesn't exists in my hubspot GUI. But, when it runs through contact creation logic as you could see in the screenshot below, it gives an error that "contact already exists. Existing ID: 20301" And updates that contact with my given data. Basically, that contact doesn't exists but it still gives me that error and is updating contact that's not same as passed contact object.
Moreover, when I create contact in local environment, the contact's source is like this.
But for the dev environment (from where I'm getting an error) , source remains something else like this
I don't have any idea why source is different for same task done using same code. Is there any configuration related problems that can be solved? If so, how?