What is the reason for not including tickets in webhook subscription?
Webhook subscription can subscribe to property change of contact/company/deal but not ticket. Hypothetically speaking ticket object is at the same level as contact, deal and company object is. Why ticket is not included in the webhook events?
How to get notfied if there's property change in ticket?
What is the reason for not including tickets in webhook subscription?
I'm having the same problem here. I need to get a Hubspot webhook notification when a new ticket is created, but it's not possible today. The workflow solution does not apply to Service Hub Starter plan.
Is there any other solution for this? And again, why this feature were removed?
What is the reason for not including tickets in webhook subscription?
Just to get back to the initial question: Is there a reason why Ticket is not available as object type in a webhook subscription? Are there any plans to implement this in the near future? For us it would be way easier to handle property changes for tickets the same way we currently do for the other object types.
Whilte ticket webhook subscription is currently not supported, you could explore the option of using a workflow and set the enrollment to last modified date is known and set a 'Trigger Webhook' action. Something like this: