can some one help me to implement signature validation for hubspot webhooks api. I created a webhook for a private app to receive property change event, and i have a new service which will accept the webhook events. I am trying to implement the validation as below
I am getting different signatures. Request body i am using: Raw Request Body: [{"eventId":1533917858,"subscriptionId":2811863,"portalId":20114015,"appId":3388772,"occurredAt":1726718100167,"subscriptionType":"object.propertyChange","attemptNumber":0,"objectId":22403328019,"objectTypeId":"0-3","propertyName":"dealstage","propertyValue":"17480144","changeSource":"CRM_UI","sourceId":"userId:65741093","isSensitive":false}]
Service is in development stage, so i copied the event body from aws logs, and using it in my service