So my question is, how can I automate via API which fields I want to trigger the webhook and how can I set the throttling configuration?
I can see nothing about webhooks in the front side only workflows that requires me to go field by field, ideally I want to do that via API so we can get things done quickly.
In the documentation I can see screenshots in my dashboard just doesnt exists, for example this one here:
I can only see private apps as an option since new update of 30/11/2022 wont allow to use API keys and workflows doesnt even have a documentation we can use.
I don't need anything in that module and I have both Marketing and Sales Professional, so why should I waste another load of money for this basic need - to call a webhook on my private app as part of a marketing workflow?
Hi, I have a similar issue. I want to use a privet App as authenticaton method and need to setup a webhook on deal creation.
After step one as @Jaycee_Lewis has discribed, I get access to developer account , but I am able to use webhook onlny with oAuth authenticaton method. In other words there is now option for Prvet app. Does it mean that web hooks are not used with Privet apps?
That is correct. Webhooks and the Webhook API require use of a Developer Account, crating an app, and setting up OAuth. It is not available for use with Private Apps. Resource:
That you set up a HubSpot app to use webhooks by subscribing to the events you want to be notified about, and by specifying a URL to send those notifications. See the prerequisites documentation for more details about creating an app. (apps require using OAuth and your developer account – Jaycee)
That you deploy a publicly available and secure (HTTPS) endpoint for that URL that can handle the webhook payloads specified in this documentation.
Webhooks are set up for a HubSpot app, not individual accounts. Any account that install your app by going through the OAuth flow will be subscribed to its webhook subscriptions.”
Hi, @MicoleDev👋 Welcome to the community. Step one is to make sure you are in your Developer account and not a production portal. Make sure to look for the banner at the top that states, “This is an app developer account.”
Once there, you need to create an app. The webhook and other setting-type pages you are not seeing are located in your app settings via your developer account.
Hey, @MicoleDev. Webhooks are incompatible with Private Apps. This is why you do not see the options there.
You'll need to follow the steps to use a developer account, create an app, set up the webhook details and subscriptions, and install the app into your production portal.
From the documentation — “Webhooks are set up for a HubSpot app, not individual accounts. Any account that install your app by going through the OAuth flow will be subscribed to its webhook subscriptions.”
I'll file a request to have this explicitly called out at the beginning of the Webhook API documentation.
I got you and I see what you say in the documentation, but in my account I cannot see tha same options as you. Once I open my private app I have nothing to configure at all, no options, I can only edit scopes and delete the app.
I dont need this for the developer account, I want to move forward into production.