APIs & Integrations


Webhook limits

I experience many problems with webhooks of private app.


Im desperate and i limited to 1 webhook per second. I know Hubspot aggregate in one request.


one event per second.



I get 16 request with in a minute. Some of them are next attemps after attemp 0 fail. I have balanced my API requests to do not make too many. But Im getting errors with Webhooks. I get an error:
"Se enviaron demasiados eventos de webhook al mismo tiempo. Intentaremos volver a enviarlos automáticamente hasta 10 veces en las próximas 24 horas. Si esto continúa ocurriendo o si no tiene éxito después de 24 horas, ve a la configuración de webhooks de tu aplicación y aumenta la configuración de supresión de eventos."
English translation:
"Too many webhook events were sent at the same time. We will try to resend them automatically up to 10 times in the next 24 hours. If this continues to occur or is unsuccessful after 24 hours, go to your app's webhooks settings and increase the event suppression setting."

Any suggestion will be appreciate.



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3 Réponses
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold

Webhook limits

Hi @JoseGarcia99 


There are different rate limits for different types of account, but I suspect the issue is something else.



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Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold

Webhook limits

Hi @JoseGarcia99 


You need to respond to the webhook request quickly otherwise HubSpot assumes the message didn't get through and tries again.... and again.... up to 10 times.


The way we handled this is to pass the data to a Job Queue and send a reply to HubSpot's Webhook immediately. That way your Job Queue can do the work at it's own pace.


Have fun


Here to learn more about HubSpot and share my HubSpot Knowledge. I'm the founder of Webalite a HubSpot Partner Agency based in Wellington, New Zealand and the founder of Portal-iQ the world's first automated HubSpot Portal Audit that helps you work smarter with HubSpot.

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Webhook limits


thanks for the suggestion. I will audit the response time.

But Im not getting timeout error. The error message says something like: Too many webhooks requests. No error code returned. Perhaps it is a general error message. Not getting many webhooks.


I already have a buffer for webhooks. I try to accomplish at first attempt. But if I get attempt != 0 I send it to an event buffer where i balance the API requests. The buffer is working fine. 


I had an idea, but i could not found info about: I have a developer account (not my company account), i created an app there. And I connected it to my company account. At my company account i do not see it as a private app, i see it as a connected app. 

I expect app limits are related to my main company account (pro level), but perhaps: am I getting hit by developer account limits?

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