APIs & Integrations


We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Hi all, we are working in an external data BI program (Tableau). HubSpot data is exported to Tableau through 1) Stitch and 2) BigQuery. The total number of deals in HubSpot is around 77000, where the total number of deals in Tableau is +85000. We have looked into the data and find deal IDs in Tableau which do not exist in HS anymore - we suspect that these could be either deleted.

The deleted deals: we found a property "isdeleted" with true/false as values. However, the results in Tableau are inconsistent: it when a deal is marked as deleted:true in Tableau, this is not necessarily deleted in HS and vice versa. this makes the data unreliable. Does anybody know what could be the issue and how this could be solved? Any suggestion or idea is more than welcome!

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1 Solução aceita

We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Solution for our situation: With our lead generation, we only keep track of a couple pipelines. We have the internal policy that we do not delete deals within these pipelines. In this way we don't create any duplicated deal data (we cannot filter out deleted deals in the tableau overview, there is no clear tag to do this). Not perfect, but for now the data is pretty reliable.


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We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Solution for our situation: With our lead generation, we only keep track of a couple pipelines. We have the internal policy that we do not delete deals within these pipelines. In this way we don't create any duplicated deal data (we cannot filter out deleted deals in the tableau overview, there is no clear tag to do this). Not perfect, but for now the data is pretty reliable.

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We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


In the end, we used the following systems:

HubSpot - BigQuery - Stitch - Tableau

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We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Hey, I think even with these small issues, you are doing a great job. I like that developer like you keep improving their platform and include more compatible applications that would work with Tableau. I have been using the Tableau application for a long time and found it very useful, especially if I combine it with platforms like Jira. Can I ask if this new Tableau activities preview application will also work with the Jira application(or will I need to install them separately?) I have been using this combination for a long time after reading this article on the news update site https://newsupdate.uk/how-to-connect-tableau-to-jira/. Thank you for your answer and suggestions in advance!

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Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


@BGerrmann In case you would like to run a 30-day free trial of the HubSpot Integration for Tableau, here is a link to the app in the HubSpot App Marketplace.  (Disclosure: Datawarehouse.io is the integration platform from Bayard Bradford, a HubSpot Diamond Solutions Partner.  Datawarehouse.io apps have hundreds of installs worldwide.)

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John Elmer, CEO

Bayard Bradford

Bayard Bradford - an Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner
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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Hi @BGerrmann ,


Can you maybe set in one of your exports if you want Archived deals? 
If they are adding Archived Deals through your export, you can have strange numbers of Deals.


Regards Ronald


We find deal ID's back in Tableau which don't exist in HubSpot anymore


Hi Ronald,


Thanks for your tip. We haven't seen this function while making the export. My guess is that stitch just sents raw data through.


We've just used the integration via Datawarehouse.io  and all logic seems return. Our guess is that the we should add the logic rules somewhere in the export. For now we just might use the Datawarehouse.io API between the systems. 

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