Thru API call deal data has pulled and I some the deal has dealstage description of interger values like (139921,139925) I would be expecting it to be like (closedwon, closedlost)
The "dealstage" property will return the internal ID of the deal stage the deal resides in within a pipeline. If you are using the default "Sales Pipeline" those internal IDs correlate to the labels of the stages. What I mean by that (for example) is "Closed Won" would have an internal Id of "closedwon". See below:
If you are using any other pipeline outside of the default pipeline it's expected that these internal IDs return as a string of numbers. For instance the same stage "Closed Won" in my "Renewal Pipeline" has an internal ID of "258551227".
To get the label of the stage you'll need to make an additional request to the Pipelines API. Specifically GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages/{stageId}
The "dealstage" property will return the internal ID of the deal stage the deal resides in within a pipeline. If you are using the default "Sales Pipeline" those internal IDs correlate to the labels of the stages. What I mean by that (for example) is "Closed Won" would have an internal Id of "closedwon". See below:
If you are using any other pipeline outside of the default pipeline it's expected that these internal IDs return as a string of numbers. For instance the same stage "Closed Won" in my "Renewal Pipeline" has an internal ID of "258551227".
To get the label of the stage you'll need to make an additional request to the Pipelines API. Specifically GET /crm/v3/pipelines/{objectType}/{pipelineId}/stages/{stageId}