APIs & Integrations


Update secrets value using custom code

Hi everybody!!! Happy Summer!!!!
So.. Once again its me looking for answers 😅
The thing is, I have a custome code in a workflow, this custom code inputs secrets, the access token and the refresh token for whatever API. I need to update the access token using the refresh token when access token get declined, as always, one last and thing, Im using python.
Hope that someone can helps me with this situation, been looking on forum and documentation but nothing that can fullfil my situation.

6 Respuestas 6

Update secrets value using custom code

Hello everyone, do we have any updates on this one? It's a requirement I also need . TY!

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Update secrets value using custom code

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Update secrets value using custom code

Thanks for sharing! I added an upvote


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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Update secrets value using custom code

@rechavar This isn't a task that I am familiar with performing myself, so I can only make a recommendations.


I'd start by checking out the Hubspot documentation here: Refresh OAuth 2.0 access token 


There's also a good article detailing the process here: How to get HubSpot API key and Access Token 

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Update secrets value using custom code

Mmmm not what i need, look, i have the access token an the refresh token of other API. The thing is, this values are input in my custom code as secret, but the custome code needs to change the access token using the refresh token when the AT fails in the authentication process. so... how can i change these secrets using python as my programming lenguage in the custome code??

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Administrador de la comunidad
Administrador de la comunidad

Update secrets value using custom code

Hey, @rechavar 👋 Thanks for the question. Let's see if we can get the conversation started —  @taran42 do you have any thought on if this is possible? Or what additional details @rechavar can provide to give more context here?


Thank you! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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