Hello. I'm trying to import 3 files with associations. One of these is a M:1 association, and I don't see a way to update it. If I try to set it, I get an error that the association limit has been reached. I don't want to increate the association limit, I want to replace the one that exists. Is there a way to do that? The column mapping for my association looks like:
"columnObjectTypeId": "2-xxxxxxxxxx",
"columnName": "myColumn",
"propertyName": null,
"foreignKeyType": {
"associationTypeId": 111,
"associationCategory": "USER_DEFINED"
"toColumnObjectTypeId": "0-2"
Is there something I need to set in here?
Also, does anyone know where I can find the full importRequest json schema?
Hi, @Anya23👋 If you hit the Associations limit, you'll need to find and then remove the existing associations before you can add more. There is not a way to automatically replace existing associations. You can use the Associations API to accomplish this.
I hope this helps get you moving forward. — Jaycee