APIs & Integrations


Test single-send API from developer test account

I'm setting up a private app to use HubSpot as our transactional email provider. In addition to the private app in our production account, I also need to be able to send test emails from testing and local setups.


Is the testing aspect possible, in particular local testing?

- It sounds like some support is required in order to enable transactional emails. I need to be able to set "Transactional email" scope on a private app in developer test account.



- Are there IP allowlisting/registration requirements for single-send API? I'm hoping I'm just misunderstanding the "dedicated IP address" aspect, but I need to make sure as I won't be able to register all possible local IP addresses that may be used for testing.

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Test single-send API from developer test account

Hi, @BjørnVårdal 👋 If you have access to Support, the fastest way to submit your request is to use the info found in this thread — How to activate transactional email / single send API in the developer / test portal





Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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Test single-send API from developer test account

Thanks, @Jaycee_Lewis ! 


Just one question about the available functionality. The thread you linked to says to include a "a non-exhaustive list of email addresses to which you plan to send transactional email tests" in the request. In my setup, I need to use dynamically generated email address, e.g. to test new account creations. If some email address restriction is required, is it possible to restrict it by domain?

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