APIs & Integrations


Test call in docs returns an error



If I do a test call on https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/cms/pages at the POST/cms/v3/pages/site-pages endpoint it results the following error:





HTTP 400 { "correlationId": "xxx", "message": "Invalid input JSON on line 1, column 386: Problem deserializing property 'publishDate' (expected type: [simple type, class com.hubspot.jinjava.objects.date.PyishDate]; actual type: `java.util.Date`), problem: Can not set com.hubspot.jinjava.objects.date.PyishDate field com.hubspot.content.model.ContentLanguageVariation.publishDate to java.util.Date", "status": "error" }






Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 16.29.09.png

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2 Réponses

Test call in docs returns an error

I didn't change anything so acording to the docs https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/cms/pages at the POST/cms/v3/pages/site-pages endpoint this is the body of the post:


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And this is the response:


HTTP 400

  "correlationId": "364e0d34-a374-47ba-84c1-7c56aa7a07eb",
  "message": "Invalid input JSON on line 1, column 386: Problem deserializing property 'publishDate' (expected type: [simple type, class com.hubspot.jinjava.objects.date.PyishDate]; actual type: `java.util.Date`), problem: Can not set com.hubspot.jinjava.objects.date.PyishDate field com.hubspot.content.model.ContentLanguageVariation.publishDate to java.util.Date",
  "status": "error"
0 Votes
Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Test call in docs returns an error

Hey, @SvanEck 👋 Welcome to our community. 


Can you copy + paste your request and response here? The error is telling us there is an issue with the formatting of the publishDate property. It's challenging to reproduce your issue using only a screenshot.


Thanks! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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