Send a webhook via private app when a quote hs_sign_status = signed
Hello world,
We want to get a quote via Hubspot API when its status hs_sign_status become signed.
In order to get the information as fast as possible in our app, we would to trigger when there is a signed quote by esignature and send the webhook to an external system.
Unfortunately, i can't find how to set up the webhook. I've found that we can choose a abonement to a mofication of object.propertyChange > hs_status property. But this is not what i am looking for.
Thanks for the additional context. It is possible to create webhook subscriptions involving properties that are not included in the default list provided by HubSpot. Simply copy the internal name of the property (e.g. hs_sign_status) and paste it directly into the "Which properties?" field.
I hope that proves helpful. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia
If you have access to HubSpot WorkflowsandWebhooks as a Workflow Action, you should be able to achieve this via the following steps (note that this option can't utilise the Quote property 'hs_sign_status' because it's hidden from HubSpot's UI):
Create "Quote-based" HubSpot Workflow
Set the enrollment trigger as "When a filter criteria is met" > [Group 1] "ESign completed signatures" is greater than 0 OR[Group 2] "Is manually signed" is equal to True (i.e. the Quote has been signed)
Add an action below the enrollment trigger > Data ops > Send a webhook > Configure your webhook action as required
If you do not have access to 1 or both of the features mentioned above, you'll have to use the Private App Webhook Subscriptions you've mentioned in your post. You'd then need to configure your system that receives the webhook events to "ignore" webhook events where hs_sign_status is "ESIGN_PENDING" or blank/null (the other possible value options for this property are currently "ESIGN_COMPLETED" and "MANUALLY_SIGNED" which indicate the Quote has been signed).
I hope this proves helpful. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia
Send a webhook via private app when a quote hs_sign_status = signed
Hi Zach,
We don't have access to wehbook in the Workflow. That's why we ceated a private app with webhook.
Our problem is that we can't create an event subscription on the hs_sign_status property because it is not listed in the available property.
If it was available, it should be near to hs_status or something like that.
How can I create a subscription on unlisted propoerties ? Because we want to send a webhook when a quote is signed. and our system will check if it is signed or not.
Thanks for the additional context. It is possible to create webhook subscriptions involving properties that are not included in the default list provided by HubSpot. Simply copy the internal name of the property (e.g. hs_sign_status) and paste it directly into the "Which properties?" field.
I hope that proves helpful. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia