APIs & Integrations


Search article results for one Blog


Hello, I have some issues with the search bar in one of our Blogs.

We want to search only the articles in one of our BLOGS.

This is my code, it worked fine, but it seems marketing have add "NO FOLLOW" code, for the articles to not be indexed by google.



Now its not working anymore.


Can somebody help me how to correct it please?


This is my code:

<div class="hs-search-field">
<div class="hs-search-field__bar">
<form action="/{{ site_settings.content_search_results_page_path }}">
<input type="text" class="hs-search-field__input" name="term" autocomplete="on" aria-label="{{ "Search" }}" placeholder="{{ "Search Articles" }}">
<input type="hidden" name="pathPrefix" value="enterprise-knowledge-base">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="blog_post">
<ul class="hs-search-field__suggestions"></ul>

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1 Soluciones aceptada
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Search article results for one Blog


The blog articles themselves appear to have a robots noindex tag on them. Noindex tells crawlers not in index the pages and therefore hide them from search. I believe HubSpot's own crawler respects these directives like any other crawler. You would need to remove that tag for them to be crawled, indexed and displayed in search results.


This developer post explains what is happening a bit. I see the noindex meta robots tag on this page for example: https://ai.reportlinker.com/enterprise-knowledge-base/filters/smart-insights 

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1 Respuesta 1
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Search article results for one Blog


The blog articles themselves appear to have a robots noindex tag on them. Noindex tells crawlers not in index the pages and therefore hide them from search. I believe HubSpot's own crawler respects these directives like any other crawler. You would need to remove that tag for them to be crawled, indexed and displayed in search results.


This developer post explains what is happening a bit. I see the noindex meta robots tag on this page for example: https://ai.reportlinker.com/enterprise-knowledge-base/filters/smart-insights