APIs & Integrations


Requirement for using Settings API (User Provisioning)

Hi there!


I'm trying to use Settings API to get users information by the following endopoint.

endpoint => /settings/v3/users/


Although I surely added the scope(settings.users.read) to my auth app settings and the redirect url to my client app seems not wrong, I got the following error message.


Couldn’t complete the connection
An invalid scope name was provided. Please contact the app developer.


Is there any requirements for using Settings API? 

(My account is free developer's account.)


I would appreciate it if you could help to solve my issue.



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Requirement for using Settings API (User Provisioning)

Hey, @TaroSato 👋 I can confirm that it works as expected in testing from the endpoint page and via Postman using a Private App in my App Test Account. 
My scopes: 


The Endpoint:


My Request:

curl --request GET \
  --url https://api.hubapi.com/settings/v3/users/10233975 \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer NOPE'

The 200 Response:

CleanShot 2022-07-01 at 11.27.52.png


Can you:

  • create a successful test using OAuth from Postman?
  • create a successful test using OAuth from the dev doc page here?
  • If so, are you able to provide any additional details that might help the community better understand the root causes? 

 Thank you! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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