My script works locally as well as in preview with no errors in console. I am console logging the event listener and it registers in all three places (local, preview, production).
$('.dropdown ol').slideToggle(0);
console.log('Hover Dropdown');
function toggleDropdown(e){
var dropdown = $(this);
Within .dropdown ol lives the a Hubl topic filter that listing the default content.
If I change the Hubl module to a post_listing everything works. Currently the post_filter module only appears if I am in design manager preview option default blog. If i change the preview option to a different blog the post_filter stops working.
Except now the dropdown shows a list with each article name not the tag/category as needed. The Hubl reference states either of these modules can be used in a blog post. Would the post_filter module not work if there is another of the same modules? or if the module were used on the listing page and blog page?