I have developed an app that has a CRM card and I want to pass a custom property that is created in app users account under Contact records. I defined the custom property under "PROPERTIES SENT FROM HUBSPOT" in CRM card definition but the its not being pass as a request parameter.
Is this possible to do ? Or is there any workroud to get this done ?
Hi, @nuwang👋 Thanks for reaching out! Let's see if we can get the conversation going. Hey, @hilton22@himanshurauthan@AppDev, can you lend a hand here? Or share some additional troubleshooting tips you like to use in similar situations.
That is true, I am using standard/default properties. However I can also include custom properties. See below for my card configuration, you will notice I'm also sending "favorite_film".
In the portal where I have installed my app I also have the custom property defined. In this case a single line text field with an internal name "favorite_film":
When I load my CRM record the following data is sent to my FETCH URL, notice the presence of the custom property in the query string:
So it's certainly possible. If you aren't seeing this then perhaps the custom property is not defined in the portal in which your application is installed?
Yes, that should absolutely be possible to achieve. If it's not working then there could be something wrong with your configuration. By default it will pass:
associatedObjectID = The ID of the Object being loaded in the CRM
associatedObjectType = The type of Object being loaded in the CRM
portalID = the ID of the portal
userEmail = The user accessing the record
userID = The user id accessing the record
But you can also specify additional properties as you mentioned. For instance I've setup a CRM Card which makes a request to the following URL:
In your example you are passing the original hubspot properties like firstname, lastname etc in a contact record. In my case, I want to pass a custom property that I have defined in contact.
The custom property is defined under test account that developer account has no idea. But developer account key in the exact property name under "PROPERTIES SENT FROM HUBSPOT" in CRM card definition. The problem is that custom property is not passed through the query parameters.
That is true, I am using standard/default properties. However I can also include custom properties. See below for my card configuration, you will notice I'm also sending "favorite_film".
In the portal where I have installed my app I also have the custom property defined. In this case a single line text field with an internal name "favorite_film":
When I load my CRM record the following data is sent to my FETCH URL, notice the presence of the custom property in the query string:
So it's certainly possible. If you aren't seeing this then perhaps the custom property is not defined in the portal in which your application is installed?
Yes It worked at my end too. I was able to pass custom properties with data fetch url. It needs follow correct naming convension to refer the property in the CRM card defenition which I have not done correctly. For example if the label of the property is "Test Property", it should refer as "test_property" in CRM card definision.
Hi, @nuwang👋 Thanks for reaching out! Let's see if we can get the conversation going. Hey, @hilton22@himanshurauthan@AppDev, can you lend a hand here? Or share some additional troubleshooting tips you like to use in similar situations.