APIs & Integrations

HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Partner API for Conversation Intelligence V1

What is it?

We have extended the V1 Engagements API to work with HubSpot's new Conversation Intelligence tools. This will allow partners to send call recording URLs with the call object to be transcribed and viewable inside the HubSpot CRM platform.


*** NOTE *** HubSpot will only transcribe calls associated with an `activity created by` user that has a paid Sales or Service hub seat. Only WAV, FLAC, and MP4 files will be transcribed. MP4 will have worse transcription quality.


Why does it matter?

These changes will enable calling, video conferencing, and other conversation intelligence partners to take advantage of conversation intelligence inside of the HubSpot. All CI features are built around a call object and will work exactly the same way for partners as 1st party solutions.


How does it work?

We currently support two-channel (stereo) recordings in WAV / FLAC format. We can take mp4's but the transcription won't be as good as other audio files. We will eventually support mono-recordings.

Metadata needed to create the call engagement

"toNumber": "5735786232 ",

"fromNumber": "6179030296",

"status": "COMPLETED",

"durationMilliseconds": 38000,

"title" : "Call with Test", //new attribute (auto-created if not specified)

"recordingUrl": "https://audiourl", (We support WAV file/ FLAC. We can take mp4's but the transcription will be worse)

“source”: “INTEGRATIONS_PLATFORM”, //new attribute - This will always be the string "INTEGRATIONS_PLATFORM"

“appId” : “123” //new attribute

Note: Only calls attached to paid HubSpot users will be transcribed. Please make sure that integration accounts and HubSpot accounts are linked when creating a call engagement.


Check out the dev docs to learn how to create an engagement


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