APIs & Integrations


Parse JSON response to get one field value


The steps to achieve this, a basic sketch, goes like this:

Send Data to the Webhook: When creating the company in HubSpot, make sure to send all necessary data to the webhook endpoint.
Receive JSON Response: Capture the JSON response returned by the webhook endpoint.
Extract Customer ID: Parse the JSON response to extract the Customer ID.
Update HubSpot Property: Use the HubSpot API to update the custom contact property with the extracted Customer ID.

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1 Solução aceita
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

Parse JSON response to get one field value





How about trying the following?

I hope this helps.


スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.02.59.png

1. add [Send a webhook]

set [webhook URL].


[Test action] > [Test]















スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.03.47.png


スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.04.30.png2. get API [response parameter].


after [Test] click, If API call succeeded, [response] appears.













スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.05.08.png

3. choose response parameter.


this case, I selected [userId].

*don't forget save.











スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.06.31.png4. Edit [Set Property value].

choose [Action outputs].








スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.06.58.png5. Set property value to [userId].

this case, [userId] is selectable.

















*If necessary, consider API response error cases.
example, set property value when API succeeded only.





Thanks for mention.

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4 Respostas 4
Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Parse JSON response to get one field value


Hi @KKulkarni4! Welcome to the Community-- happy to have you here 😊


Thanks for sharing this process. Are you utilizing this in your own HubSpot instance or have you implemented this for anyone else? 


Be sure to also ask any relevant questions you have so our Community members can contribute! 



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0 Avaliação positiva

Parse JSON response to get one field value


I am planning to use this for own instance, basically I want to know How to parse the JSON response from Webhook in workflow and pass the parsed value to Set property event.

0 Avaliação positiva
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Top colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

Parse JSON response to get one field value





How about trying the following?

I hope this helps.


スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.02.59.png

1. add [Send a webhook]

set [webhook URL].


[Test action] > [Test]















スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.03.47.png


スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.04.30.png2. get API [response parameter].


after [Test] click, If API call succeeded, [response] appears.













スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.05.08.png

3. choose response parameter.


this case, I selected [userId].

*don't forget save.











スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.06.31.png4. Edit [Set Property value].

choose [Action outputs].








スクリーンショット 2024-09-27 9.06.58.png5. Set property value to [userId].

this case, [userId] is selectable.

















*If necessary, consider API response error cases.
example, set property value when API succeeded only.





Thanks for mention.

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Parse JSON response to get one field value


I'd like to invite some of our developer experts to this thread! 

Hey @skimura, @noahmckeon, @alyssamwilie, @miljkovicmisa do y'all have any tips for @KKulkarni4



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