APIs & Integrations


Object API data relationship

Now I have most of the hubspot object data (deal,contact,mail,task etc..)  in my database tables (got through api) , where can I get information to  create  relation links between them , looking for primary key foreign key relations among objects .

Thanks in advance !!

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Object API data relationship

Hey, @RBiswal 👋 Thanks for reaching out. Here are some resources to get you started:

If you need specific help from the community, including the following will be helpful in getting more resources:

  • documentation that you've already ruled out 
  • specific examples
  • screenshots
  • code blocks
  • specifically where you are stuck

Thank you! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot


Object API data relationship

HI Jaycee_Lewis,

Thanks for responding soon  and give more insights, but my question was little different, here is  what I look for:-

I am trying to build a data lake keeping all the HubSpot data over a period of time .

By using the api I have downloaded the data and loaded into  tables (NOT hubdb).

Now I have data in my database tables for several  HubSpot objects.

I was trying to find the relationship between the tables , for example for a company record what are the associated records in “deal” , “contact” , “email” or for any other objects.

I did research a bit , but could not could not able to get any reference  that will help me to find the corresponding data in all tables(crm objects), I believe the association APIs are for creating explicitly labels among the records in objects .

If anyone can help me here , how to join the object tables and get a meaningful insights ?