APIs & Integrations


OAuth migration for public apps

I'm trying to do the migration of one of our public apps to using OAuth. We would make it private but use custom timeline events so we'll have to keep it public for the time being.One thing I've noticed is that there are a number of calls we use which do not seem to be available without using an API key and I was wondering how I can migrate if that is the case. I am potentially just missing something.

Calls are:
  • GET /crm/v3/timeline/{appId}/event-templates
  • DELETE /crm/v3/timeline/{appId}/event-templates/{eventTemplateId}
  • POST /crm/v3/timeline/{appId}/event-templates
  • PUT /crm/v3/timeline/{appId}/event-templates/{eventTemplateId}
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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OAuth migration for public apps

Hi, @DEdwards4 👋 Are you referring to the endpoints found here? — Timeline Events
If so, those endpoints utilize your Developer API key, which is separate from the account API keys that are being sunset. You can find more information here — Developer API keys.





Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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