Hi, we’ve integrated HubSpot APIs with our web app, and users need to connect their HubSpot accounts using the OAuth flow. During the authorization flow, we are requesting the following scopes:
Once user is connected, we can access user data and perform different api operations such as create note, task. So each user has different access token and each user can perform these operations using his own access token. However, with these scopes, only super admin users can complete the OAuth process. When a non-super admin user attempts it, they receive an error stating that they don’t have the required permissions. I’ve already tried granting all available permissions to the non-super admin user, but the issue persists. My assumption is that only super admin users can access HubSpot APIs. If that’s not the case, how can I enable non-super admin users to connect their HubSpot accounts using the OAuth flow? Are there specific permissions they need to have?
but fortunately we can set them optional in Hubspot app and then send them in authorization url in optional_scope query parameter and all required scopes in scope query parameter. So, I have set them optional, when admin will perform OAuth it will be added automatically and when a non-admin will perform OAuth, hubspot will automatically skip them. These are the minimum permissions needed to non-admin user to perform OAuth with all above scopes except users related.
The HubSpot User installing your app needs to either [1] be a super admin or [2] have the "App Marketplace Access" permission. Search for "App Marketplace Access" in this HubSpot Knowledge Base article to learn more.
I hope this proves helpful. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia
Hi, thanks for response. I have toggled on App Marketplace Access permission and additionally i have given edit contacts, deals, companies, users permission (selecting All in each section). But i still see error.
Authorization failed because you don't have permissions to authorize the scopes required by the app. Please contact your super admin to get the necessary permissions.
Thanks for the update. I now notice that you're using some scopes relating to "custom objects" -- these scopes are not automatically available to Public Apps. You'll first need to request access from HubSpot for the use of these custom object scopes: https://developers.hubspot.com/custom-objects-schema-pilot
I hope that proves helpful. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia
All the scopes which are commented (has # in start) I have set them optional in app and during OAuth flow, i don't send them as a part of url in scopes. But i still see same error, any thoughts?
Thanks for the update. This is quite interesting and, as far as I'm aware, this crossover area of app development / user permissions is not currently documented by HubSpot. Furthermore, my experience testing this has been extremely inconsistent. FYI @Jaycee_Lewis@BérangèreL
All I can recommend at the moment is to ensure that each user who needs to install the app [1] has either the "App Marketplace Access" permission or is a Super Admin and [2] has permissions that closely match all of the app's scopes (whether those scopes be required, conditional or optional).
I hope this proves helpful.
All the best,
Zach Klein HubSpot Integrations & App Developer Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia
@zach_threadint since I have enabled all permissions and we're still facing an issue. What are the solutions you recommend to resolve it. Should i reach to hubspot support?
but fortunately we can set them optional in Hubspot app and then send them in authorization url in optional_scope query parameter and all required scopes in scope query parameter. So, I have set them optional, when admin will perform OAuth it will be added automatically and when a non-admin will perform OAuth, hubspot will automatically skip them. These are the minimum permissions needed to non-admin user to perform OAuth with all above scopes except users related.