APIs & Integrations


No idea if Events are working!

Hi. I’m really confused as to whether my Events are set up correctly. I have taken advice on this before but some are still showing as zero and I have no way of knowing of this is because the Event is set up incorrectly or if there is actually no data to show.

For example, I have an Event called ‘Navigation: About (homepage)’. I want to track all clicks on the About button in my top navigation on here: https://www.aesinternational.com/

So taking your advice, I went to inspect the page source and I get this:

<a href="https://www.aesinternational.com/about" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" role="menuitem">About</a>

I have set up my Event using that the JQuery Selector.

There are, however, no results showing since 17 April. I have used this method for others, like ‘Navigation: Retirement Solutions (homepage)’ and 3 results are showing. Is the first simply that no one is clicking on it?

I then took advice and was told this was the way to do it…I have one called ‘Navigation: Knowledge Library (Homepage)’. This one has the JQuery as simply:


I inputted this myself (no inspecting of the page source). This one shows results.

Which method is correct? And how can I ever know if its working or simply has no clicks??

8 Replies 8

No idea if Events are working!

Really helpful thank you. :slight_smile:

HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

No idea if Events are working!

No problem @RSteele, and apologies for the mixup!

HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

No idea if Events are working!

Thanks so much for that info! Just connected with Amanda and we're discussing this as we speak :slight_smile:

Attaching a screenshot here of the Chrome Developer Tools which I find by right clicking on a page > Inspect and then checking out the HTML source code. What I was trying to look for was a distinguishing class or ID that I could find that seems like it would be particular to the header/footer and not used anywhere else. Here's the screenshot:

HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

No idea if Events are working!

Hi @RSteele, after some testing, this is definitely the format you'll want to use for events using the Jquery route:


I tested both methods that you'd used on the same link in my own portal, and only the one that followed the format from above worked. I did notice that it took around 30s - 1min for the tracking code to update and actually start recording the events, but that could've been a caching issue.

Here's a test event I made in your portal: https://app.hubspot.com/analytics/383440/events/000006344383/log, it looks like the event has data associated with it, so it's working!


No idea if Events are working!

Thank you for this!

So I have updated this Event in my portal: Navigation: About (homepage) to reflect what you say above. However, I am trying to track clicks on my top navigation and the 'about' page also appears in my footer. Am I right in thinking that this is going to track all clicks on the about page from the homepage? I did try and install the bookmarklet tool, but it wouldn't drag onto my favourites bar at all.

This is all very confusing as all the support I have had from HubSpot has told me to use the opposite of what you have (i.e this as a JQuery: About;`). But if you are confirming I need to use this: a[href="url_here"] for the JQuery route I will, but please confirm the issue around header/footer.


HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

No idea if Events are working!

Hi @RSteele, I can certainly see how it would be confusing to get two different answers. Did you hear this information from Support? If you have a ticket number I'd be happy to dig into where the mixup in communication came from. Interesting about the bookmarklet. I will see if we have any open issues about that not working.

You are spot on with the assumption that the selector I created will track both clicks on the header and footer. to distinguish, you can use a more specific selector that encompasses the link in your header vs. the one in your footer.

For the header, something like this would work:

.header--main--nav a[href="url_here"]

and for the footer:

.footer--main a[href="url_here"]

These selectors are based off of the classes set on your header/footer in your HTML structure.

Just tested in your portal with this new event here: https://app.hubspot.com/analytics/383440/events/000006374284/log and it appears to be firing properly


No idea if Events are working!

Thank you! If you check out ticket number #2004653, she appears to contradict you.

Would you mind, since this s hopefully going to mean I can check all my Events and make sure they are working, sending me a screenshot of where in my page source you get the selector '.header--main--nav' - I only have basic code knowledge and so I want to make sure I am always taking the right bits when i right click and choose 'inspect'.

HubSpot Alumni
HubSpot Alumni

No idea if Events are working!

Hi @RSteele, apologies for the frustrations here!

If you're using the JQuery method for this selector, this <a href="https://www.aesinternational.com/about" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" role="menuitem">About</a>; would not be a valid JQuery method to use.

The reason being that JQuery relies on a CSS selector, but the above code contains HTML. Moving forward, this format: a[href="url_here"] is the way to go and should work. I'm currently digging into this issue in my own portal and will let you know what I find, as I'm still not seeing events show in your portal. I'll respond here when I have more info.

As an alternative, we do have a bookmarklet you can use, as shown here: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/events-user-guide-v2/how-to-create-clicked-element-events that should work.