I'm trying out the incoming call beta and running into some issues while developing my own app. SDK message traffic to/from Hubspot works as expected, but on inbound call, my app doesn't receive any contact matches, where the template does!
The incoming phonenumber is the same, the user's phonenumber is the same and I'm getting a "CALLER_ID_MATCH_SUCCEEDED" message in the console. The template would then get a "2 Caller ID Matches" console message, along with the match data showing up in the code, whereas my own app receives "No Caller ID Matches" and no data.
What could cause this? I'm testing with the same pc, account and browser, and as far as I can tell the CallingExtension is sending the same information in both cases. I only have one app in hubspot that is running the template and my code, I alternate which project the app hosts when testing. The hubspot app settings are thus identical.
I found the cause to my problem - I adjusted the useCti file incorrectly and overwrote a variable. Not sure how that impacted the inner workings in such a drastic way, but renaming my added variable fixed it👌
I found the cause to my problem - I adjusted the useCti file incorrectly and overwrote a variable. Not sure how that impacted the inner workings in such a drastic way, but renaming my added variable fixed it👌
Hi, @JeroenCloudCTI👋 Thanks for your question. It's challenging to an educated guess or suggestion here without more information or a way to test it out. I'd like to invite some of our community champions to the conversation — @Bryantworks@louischausse@zach_threadint, do you have any troubleshooting thoughts or suggestions here? I acknowledge getting assistance for Calling SDK development is more challenging than other topics in the community, and I wonder if there are any general tips you might have for @JeroenCloudCTI