APIs & Integrations


Need to customize Customer portal with API




I need to find a developer which could help me with the following: in the current Hubspot Pro customer portal, the customer can only see the ticket they submit. 

We want the customer to have their page where they can see all their invoices, quotes, exchanges with our team, and the pipeline stage of their deal. We want this area to be accessible via our Wordpress website which would retrieve this data from Hubspot.
I suppose this requires development skills and I have no experience with it. Where I should start or where to find a developer for this? 


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Orientador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

Need to customize Customer portal with API


Hi @Baba70,


That looks like a project you will need a developer for.
I know the A8 Labs guys have developped an advanced customer portal and published it on the market place so maybe they'll be able to help you out @JonathanS ?


As for making this available within wordpress, I guess it depends on your budget and your main objective.
An out-of-the-box portal can fill most of the requirements you listed and you'd only need to redirect to the portal or even embed it on a page, and this can cut development costs by a lot as well as considerably speed up the process.

Hope this helps,


Agence Mi4 - Data DrivenCTO @ Mi4
Hubspot Platinum Partner and Integration Expert

Passionate human, very curious about everything data and automation.

Any problem with Hubspot you need help solving ?

Let me know !

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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

Need to customize Customer portal with API


Thanks for tagging me in this @LMeert !


Hey @Baba70 ,


This sounds like something we might be able to help with! 


We have a Customer Service Portal app for HubSpot that allows for more customization. While some of the features you want are not currently built in to our Customer Portal, we do custom development for those who want extra features.


I would love to discuss this in more detail and see if this is something we can achieve for you! I'll send you a private message so we can setup a meeting.




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3 Respostas 3
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

Need to customize Customer portal with API


Hi @Baba70,


That looks like a project you will need a developer for.
I know the A8 Labs guys have developped an advanced customer portal and published it on the market place so maybe they'll be able to help you out @JonathanS ?


As for making this available within wordpress, I guess it depends on your budget and your main objective.
An out-of-the-box portal can fill most of the requirements you listed and you'd only need to redirect to the portal or even embed it on a page, and this can cut development costs by a lot as well as considerably speed up the process.

Hope this helps,


Agence Mi4 - Data DrivenCTO @ Mi4
Hubspot Platinum Partner and Integration Expert

Passionate human, very curious about everything data and automation.

Any problem with Hubspot you need help solving ?

Let me know !

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

Need to customize Customer portal with API


Thanks for tagging me in this @LMeert !


Hey @Baba70 ,


This sounds like something we might be able to help with! 


We have a Customer Service Portal app for HubSpot that allows for more customization. While some of the features you want are not currently built in to our Customer Portal, we do custom development for those who want extra features.


I would love to discuss this in more detail and see if this is something we can achieve for you! I'll send you a private message so we can setup a meeting.




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Need to customize Customer portal with API


Thanks, will check the app. We would prefer the customer portal to be on our website, but I think if it is complicated or long to setup, a customized portal within Hubspot would be good too.

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