Moving data from one field to a new field using Excel export/import
We used to use a property called 'Campaigns data' to store campaign information of each lead. This type is a 'single text field' which limits us from storing more than one campaign in the field.
To over come this, we created a new field called 'Campaigns information' which is of type 'Multiple checkbox'.
However, if we want to transfer information from the old property 'Campaigns data' to the new property 'Campaigns information' for the existing cotacts, it becomes diffcult as property type of the old property is 'string' and the new one is 'multiple checkbox'.
We were wondering if an Excel exporting/importing route would work.
Can we export all the 'Campaigns data' information for each contact and upload them in the 'Campaigns information' property field which is in multiple checkbox format?
BUT: Seems like Excel import does not provide a way to pass INTERNAL VALUE of the multiple checkboxes but LABELS only which doesn’t resolve our issue.
Is there a way we can import INTERNAL VALUE + LABEL with separator (not only LABEL) for each multiple check box?
Moving data from one field to a new field using Excel export/import
If you don't have TONS of different 'Campaigns data' values, wouldn't it be less cumbersome to just use the HubSpot UI to select then edit the new multiple checkbox property with the correct Campaigns data value for each?
This is easily accomplished by selecting contact records on the Contacts View screen that meet a specific criteria. Once selected, you may choose EDIT from the column heading bar and update your new multiple checkbox property apropriately for all records that meet the original criteria. - see image
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
Moving data from one field to a new field using Excel export/import
If you don't have TONS of different 'Campaigns data' values, wouldn't it be less cumbersome to just use the HubSpot UI to select then edit the new multiple checkbox property with the correct Campaigns data value for each?
This is easily accomplished by selecting contact records on the Contacts View screen that meet a specific criteria. Once selected, you may choose EDIT from the column heading bar and update your new multiple checkbox property apropriately for all records that meet the original criteria. - see image
Note: Please search for recent posts as HubSpot evolves to be the #1 CRM platform of choice world-wide.
Your use case sounds pretty similar to the one I address in this thread. It's not possible to update a property's labels and internal values via a CSV directly, but you can copy the labels and values you want from a CSV or similar document and paste them into the UI field shown in the screenshot.