If you have questions about the guide or the information included, please leave your feedback in the comments. If you have specific questions about migration of your app, please consider starting a new thread. This will help make sure your request gets the attention it deserves from our community.
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
It's the Get all deals (hubspot.com) or Get a deal | Deals API (hubspot.com) enpoints. But specifcally the parameters to get all version of a property ("Properties with History" and "Include property versions", respectively), which is something the newer APIs don't seem to provide.
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
Hey, @GustavoOliveira👋 Thank you very much for clarifying. I successfully ran quick tests of both v1 endpoints using Postman and included the additional params:
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
Hi, we've moved to the new method, but we can't get the Blog Author Name and Blog Author Image and these aren't mentioned in the documentation. Can you advise?
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
Just more info:
We are using the Blog endpoints here https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/cms/blog-post, see Endpoints tab. The "authorName": "string" seems to return the name of the user creating the post, rather than the Author assigned to it. And there is no endpoint for Author image in this list. Hope this helps.
jul 26, 202211:54 AM - editado jul 27, 20224:27 AM
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
I've been attempting to migrate from API KEY auth to Private App using the guide, but the scopes on the Private App were causing difficulty, the e-commerce scope had been added to the Private App ( and the key rotated ) but the calls to the API using the Private App are still giving "One or more of the following scopes are required." requiredScopes":["e-commerce"] turned out to be attempting to use the e-commerce on the Products on a non-enterprise/non-professional account, would be handy if the guide had a reminder or the api message was more specific
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
Any update on this? I'm getting the same error using a developer account that was just renewed. Created a Private APP with the e-commerce scope and I can't create Projects.
Migration guide — Migrate an API key integration to a private app
Sorry I just noticed this detail " turned out to be attempting to use the e-commerce on the Products on a non-enterprise/non-professional account," Can we not create projects through the API if we are using a free developer account? What is the minimum we need to properly test? Do we need to pay for 2 accounts? One for production data and one for testing?