Meltano target-hubspot : There is no object with (hs_object_id: )
Hello, I am having a problem trying to update my company records.
I am trying to update them through the Record ID (hs_object_id) variable via my meltano target-hubspot. So in the .csv that I'm automatically sending with the API there are 2 fields, one named 'hs_object_id' and one named 'test'. The 'hs_object_id' has the value of the Record ID of a specific company and the 'test' has a new value that is a string.
Whenever I try to run this pipeline, I get the 'Update only Import' error with this text:
"This import is set to Update-Only, but contains an object that does not exist on the portal. There is no object with (hs_object_id: )"
It somehow says the 'hs_object_id' that I'm giving is empty, which is rather weird because it does say it has received the 'hs_object_id', which it automatically maps to the Record ID in the hubspot import, as it seems.
Can you verify that if your import includes both a Company ID (company_id) and a Record ID (hs_object_id), ensure that hs_object_id is explicitly mapped as the Record ID in your import settings to avoid any potential mismapping.