APIs & Integrations


Marketing email event type count does not match between 2 API calls

First method returns the aggregated number of email events for Sent, Open, Click, Delivered, etc. This result matches with the Email performance measure shown in the Hubspot Marketing Email page. Second method returns individual events for all campaigns associated a marketing email. When the individual events are aggregated manually, the aggregation count does not match with the statistic counts. What are the rules (or filtering) to count the events to group by the event type (Sent, Open, Unique Click, Total Click, Delivered, etc)?


1. Get the statistics for a marketing email

    Endpoint: GET /marketing-emails/v1/emails/with-statistics/:email_id
2. Get an email event data for campaign.
    Endpoint: GET /email/public/v1/events


1 Reply 1
HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Marketing email event type count does not match between 2 API calls

@zaklein 👋, is this within your wheelhouse?