Marketing Events API - How to get an external event ID number?
We’ve created a marketing event within Hubspot itself. It’s not connected to a third-party platform such as Eventbrite — we’re handling registrations etc ourselves.
We also have a private app registered on Hubspot to use the API. It’s connected to our account using the appropriate scopes, and we’ve confirmed that we can access the relevant API endpoints.
However, to mark a contact as being registered for the marketing event, we need an external event ID. Our problem is that we have no way of determining what ID to use here.
We’ve tried the Marketing Events Search endpoint, but regardless of the query to use, the marketing event we created within Hubpsot is never returned. And we can’t see an ID for the event in the Hubspot UI.
Mar 27, 202310:55 PM - edited Apr 13, 20238:34 AM
Marketing Events API - How to get an external event ID number?
I created an app to help with this if you are interested. It is approved on the HubSpot marketplace, and I think it could help your use case. It allows you have a settings page UI to create events directly in the HubSpot tool without needing to go to the API. I also added a Workflow action that can manage the registration status of contacts for the created events.
this is supper odd indeed. It kinda looks like HubSpot using the externalEventId which is intended to come from a third-party app as its own identifier.
During testing, I was also not able to get any ID from an event that I've created in the HubSpot UI. Have you tried creating the event through the API and using any number to set an externalEventId?