APIs & Integrations


Making a Call-type engagement that originates with the contact

I'm trying to log phone calls made from contacts to a business. Here's the basic form of the JSON I'm sending:

{"engagement"=>{"active"=>true, "type"=>"CALL"}, "associations"=>{"contactIds"=>[501]}, "metadata"=> {"toNumber"=>"xxxxxxxxxx", "fromNumber"=>"xxxxxxxxx, "status"=>"NO_ANSWER", "externalId"=>xxxxxxxx, "durationMilliseconds"=>"", "externalAccountId"=>xxxxxxxxx, "recordingUrl"=>"", "disposition"=>"xxxxxxxx", "body"=>nil}}

However, it shows up in the contact as if I made the phone call to the contact:

Is there a way to make it log that the contact called my company? If so, what do I have to change in the data I send to get that working?


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Making a Call-type engagement that originates with the contact

Hi @rsmiley,

Changing the 'direction' of a call isn't currently possible, though I can totally understand the use case you're describing. I've passed this feedback along internally, but if you have the inclination, I would strongly encourage you to check out the Ideas Forum on the HubSpot Community. There, you can create a post including your use case that product and other customers can see.

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