I'd like to limit the number of loops so it doesn't show more than 10 records. I've tried adding the range function but I'm not exactly sure where to put it. Thanks for you help.
{% set contact_id = contact.hs_object_id %}
{% set associated_objects = crm_associations(contact_id, 'USER_DEFINED', 30, 'orderBy=account_row_id', 'account_row_id,acct_uom,acct_commodity,lastmonth_date,lastmonth,thismonth_date,thismonth,month1,month1_date,month2,month2_date,month3,month3_date,month4,month4_date,month5,month5_date,month6,month6_date,month7,month7_date,month8,month8_date,month9,month9_date,month10,month10_date,month11,month11_date') %}
{% for energyresi in associated_objects.results %}
This function returns an object with the following attributes: has_more, total, offset and results. You can pass offset number in association hubl function: Screen shot : https://prnt.sc/1gzol30