APIs & Integrations


Keep getting Authorization failed

I'm building a custom App in HubSpot to be used from LookerStudio, everything worked perfectly but now I need to add the `content` scope. 


I did add the scope in my HubSpot app and in my Apps Script Oauth scopes, however, every time I try to connect it to our account I get the following message.

Authorization failed because you don't have permission to authorize the scopes required by the app. Please contact your super admin to get the necessary permission.

I asked my IT department to give me the necessary rights, but they don't know what more to give me. 

So... what permission I need in the HubSpot back office to be able to connect an app with the content scope.

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Community Manager

Keep getting Authorization failed

Hi @nv-ju,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

First, I'd like to share this article "Resolve a 'Request for Integration Permissions' error" that might be of interest to you.

Also, these similar threads might help you:

- The solution from @IsaacTakushi on this post "OAuth issue requiring superadmin"
- This similar thread "403 user does not have permissions to authorize scopes"
- This similar thread "OAuth2 error - you do not have correct role to grant these permissions"

I'd like to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: Hi @miljkovicmisa, @deepikaverma and @louischausse do you have suggestions to help @nv-ju, please?

Also, if anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thanks so much and have a brilliant day!


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