APIs & Integrations


Issue in Form Integration when Multiple fields are selected

Hi Team, 


There is one issue that we are facing related to Form Integration using Hubspot forms. 

Whenever in multiselect fileds, we select multiple options then in contact records the data does not submit. 

We rectified the issue that when strings of question and answers does not match for hubspot forms and the custom coded form, then this issue arises. 


But in case of multi-select field the hubspot stores more than 1 options with a ',' comma and this issue causes the strings not being matched. 


I am attaching the screenshots for better understanding. 


1. Screenshot for Hubspot Form submission data

Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 1.34.50 PM.png


2. Screenshot for UI of the question

Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 1.35.50 PM.png

As in the screenshots attached above Stream source and storage source are two options in multiselect field, but when user submit form with both the fields selected then in hubspot the answer stored is --> these 2 strings connected with ',' comma. And this causes string matching issue in the hubspot form, hence marketing team is not able to see the data entered by the user in hubspot contacts records. But if the user selects only one field then the data is stored.


We require support in this scenario for hubspot form integration.  

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Community Manager

Issue in Form Integration when Multiple fields are selected

Hi, @Shreya_Pandoh 👋 Thanks for reaching out!


Looking at root causes in the documentation, this is expected due to multi-checkbox properties containing distinct values that are separated by semi-colons. This isn't specific to form data but is consistent across HubSpot. You have to include semicolons to separate values otherwise, our system will process the values as one string of characters. The semicolon is how our system recognizes and stores values for that fieldtype.


Hey, @miljkovicmisa do you have any additional insight into the next step or solution for @Shreya_Pandoh?


Thank you! – Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot